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E. Todorovich, R Cayssials,
E. Ferro, and E. Boemo (Editors) IEEE catalog number: CFP1421B-ART ISBN: 978-1-4799-6848-0 |
L. S. da Rosa Junior, L. V. Agostini, C. A. Zeferino, E. Boemo and M. Glesner (Editors) IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1221B-ART ISBN: 978-1-4673-0186-2 |
V. Obac Roda, J. Hiroki Saito, G. Sutter, and E. Boemo (Editors) Printed by Rima
Editora, Sao Carlos, Brazil. 2009 |
V. Obac Roda, J. Hiroki Saito, G. Sutter, and E.
Boemo (Editors) Printed by Rima Editora,
Sao Carlos, Brazil. 2009 IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0921B-PRT ISBN: 978-1-4244-3846-4 Library of Congress: 2009900490 |
G. Sutter, E. Todorovich, A. de Castro, and E. Boemo, (Editors) Printed by
Publidisa Buenos Aires. IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0821 B-PRT ISBN:
978-1-4244-1992-0 Library of
Congress: 2007943351 |
E. Todorovich, G.
Sutter, S. López-Buedo, and E. Boemo (Editors) Printed by
Publidisa Buenos Aires. ISBN: 978-84-612-2376-3 |
E. Boemo, G. Sutter, E. Todorovich,
and A. de Castro (Editors) IEEE Catalog Number 07EX1511 ISBN
1-4244-0606-4 |
E. Boemo, G. Sutter, E. Todorovich, S. Lopez-Buedo (Editors) Mar del Plata: March 2007. ISBN 84-611-4716-2 |
G. Sutter,
S. Cuenca, M.A. Vega Rodriguez and E. Boemo (Editors) Thompson, 2007. ISBN:
978-84-9732-600-1 |
A. Koch,
P. Leong, and E. Boemo (Editors) IEEE Catalog Number 06EX1349 ISBN
1-4244-0312-X |
E. Boemo,
G. Sutter, E. Todorovich, S. Lopez-Buedo (Editors) Mar del Plata: March 2006 ISBN 84-609-8998-4 |
E. Boemo, F.
Gómez Arribas, S. Lopez-Buedo and G. Sutter (Editors) School of Computer Engineering, UAM. September 2003. ISBN
84-60099-28-8 |
E. Boemo, F.
Barbero, G. Gonzalez de Rivera and E. Juarez Servicio de
Publicaciones, ETSI Telecomunicación-UPM. Madrid. 1993 ISBN 84-7402-233-9 |
J. González,
E. Boemo and D. Guillén Servicio de Publicaciones. ETSI
Telecomunicación-UPM. Madrid. 1992 ISBN 84-7402-223-1 |
M. Pardo, E.
Boemo and S. Alexandres Servicio de Publicaciones. ETSI
Telecomunicación-UPM. Madrid. 1991 ISBN 84-7402-222-3 |