The introduction of a herbivore breaks the equilibrium

Let's see how the introduction of a new herbivore ( at TIME = 50 ) affects our system in equilibrium.

Trophic chain of the example

As the example shows, the introduction of a new herbivore causes the plant's population to decrease. One would expect the population of the lion to increase, but because zebras are very difficult to hunt for the lion (appetence coefficient N1 = 0.3) this increase is negligible.

Course pages:
Modelling an ecosystem
An ecosystem with three species in equilibrium
The introduction of a predator breaks the equilibrium
The introduction of a herbivore breaks the equilibrium
An ecosystem with five species in equilibrium
Let's experiment
The African savanna ecosystem
Three ecosystems with migrations
A multimedia page

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Last modified 21/12/99 by Juan de Lara (, need help for using this courses?.

First model - Second model - The SODA code